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Why They are Called “The Golden Years”

The term “the golden years” was coined by an advertising company for a retirement community in 1959. The phrase referred to retirement options for leisure and relaxation. Such retirement is the reward for years of hard work. This was a time for anything except work. It was a test to see whether people aged 55 and above would go into a new way of life and buy into a $2M golf resort community.

The ad campaign proved to be a success. On the first week, 100,000 persons showed up for the tour of the model houses to see if they can have a life free from the limitations of a working person.

The Benefits of Getting Older

They say that the age 70 is the new 40.

According to a survey, 70.3% of seniors do not feel offended for being called “old”. Truth be told, getting older is a blessing and not a curse. The golden years start at age 50 but since most countries have 65 years as the retiring age, many consider 65 to 80 plus as more suitable to be called “golden years.”

With age comes wisdom. When the white hairs start showing, considerable life experiences have been gained. Perhaps one has done some travel, had a few jobs, have had successful relationships and for sure, have made several life-changing decisions. In other words, one has become older but wiser. Moving forward, one can make better and informed decisions and can give two cents’ worth of wisdom to the younger generation. Maturity opens doors to better and longer relationships. You seek quality friendships across all areas at this stage in life.

Welcome to the Golden Years!

This is the time when there is no need to wake up at 5:30 AM, drive through traffic, and do mundane tasks all day. It is the time to celebrate a carefree existence with fewer responsibilities. This is when one can sleep until 10 AM without feeling guilty or take a nap in the middle of the afternoon.

This all sounds amazing, and every person looks forward to his or her golden years. It is perceived as the time where money is abundant and that “gold coins” are spilling from the pockets. A good time indeed! But the reality is that not all that glitters is gold!

About Retirement

Planning for retirement is essential to make this phase in life comfortable and worry-free. When you are nearing retirement age, planning would involve the following:

  • To be able to have a secure and comfortable retirement, build a financial net to be able to fund this phase of life. Think of a step-by-step path and a goal on how to get there.

  • Starting at an earlier age would allow the building of a bigger and more stable financial cushion.

  • Look at spending needs. See to it that essentials are met before delving into the “fun” part.

  • Check the financial benefits and how big these are – Social Security, Pension Plans, and others.

  • Make investments that can bring in more passive income.

The creation of a comprehensive retirement plan is definitely one challenging aspect. It entails maintaining a balance between realistic return expectations and the desired retirement life that is envisioned. A solution is to focus on the creation of a flexible portfolio that can be changed when needed.

How to Live the Golden Years

The golden years are not all fun and abundance. To thrive during this time, there are certain areas that one should be mindful of:

Physical Challenges

The aging process entails bodily changes. The loss of muscle mass and the slowing of metabolism is common. Having an ideal weight is important for those in the golden years. Being underweight is a sign that there is not enough nutrition or may be a case of illness or disease. On the other hand, being overweight increases the risk of hypertension, diabetes, or bone issues. A medical check-up would be needed to determine the ideal weight.

Eating Right

As a person is getting older, the body needs more nutrition. Nutrition-dense food is necessary for good health. When one is already at a golden age, food must be packed with vitamins and minerals. It is said that “eating the rainbow” is best. This means eating fruits and vegetables of various colors.


Time is what the golden years provide. There is no reason why one cannot do a bit of exercise. Walking, playing golf, yoga, cycling, swimming, and a host of other fun activities are now doable.

Self-care is Important

Self-care helps improve the energy levels needed. Those in the golden years may feel depressed or lonely. Health problems, stress, and the loss of loved ones take a harder blow on older people. It is vital to make self-care a part of the routine and can improve golden years.

These are some self-care practices:

  • Getting enough sleep

  • Engaging in spiritual activities

  • Socializing with others and maintaining relationships

  • Volunteering in community and charity groups

  • Practicing positive coping mechanisms to relieve stress like meditation.

When a Caregiver is Needed During Golden Years

The average life expectancy in the United States is 78 years. A lot of seniors spend their golden years with family and doing the things that they enjoy most. A part of aging is the acceptance of the limitations – physical and mental. Many seniors accept assistance through caregiving services to continue with their optimum quality of life.

With a caregiver, seniors get the needed care. A caregiver does not look after well-being but takes on other roles of a companion and friend. This “extra care” is something that would make the golden years pleasant and comfortable.


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